Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reminisces of Nehru Family written by M.O.Muthai construction of Taj Mahal

 Reminisces of Nehru Family written by M.O.Muthai, the Iron man written by K. P. S. Menon and thoughts on Pakistan by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and falsehood beyond truth written by Arun Sorrie disclosed the volume that what happened after our independent by our so called politician/ custodian, on whom the public was repost on our constitution .It was Ballabh Bhai Patel, who has provided the integration of the nation to which Jawahar Lal Nehru was never amenable. The 585 state would have never been merged, if Ballabh Bhai Patel has not compelled to  Jawahar Lal Nehru to sent the Army on the provocation of Nizam Hyderabad, who exhorted that if Govt. of India will try to submerge Hyderabad state as the territory of our country that ten thousand Hindus will be killed as you have seen the vouchering of the Hindus comprising of about 23 lakhs in Pakistan during partition .The e.mail received from Britain ( U K ) through some unknown Indian living abroad, will disclosed why Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru and Smt. Indira Gandhi favored Muslims and used them to achieve their political ambitions. It is the first time after independent under the B.J.P. ruled that the grandson of Film producer and actor Gurudutt has published the books written by Shri P. N. Oak. From Hindi Sahitya Sadan, New Delhi, can not place.
 How does Taj Mahal with such a heavy stone was constructed ?. How does these stones were lifted to an innumerable heights when the facility of crane and other equipment was not available?. The answer is that the Bullock carts elephants carrying these stones were taken to the mount of the hill like appearance starting from the earth and the stones were carried up to these heights and as such the mud used for creation of the ridge, heap of mud for ascending and descending from the top may still be seen from leprosy Jalima Hospital up to alleged Shahjahan Garden , which are located on the significant heights . Adjoining to the Taj Mahal building there are the heaps of the mount on which no. of the structures may still be seen . There may be the bio degradable substance hidden inside there and also the pieces of the timber and other utensils used  by the mention and other labour during the period of the construction of Taj Mahal . The carbon dating of the wood has been done of the doors may revealed the truth, which has been taken away from the existing site of the Taj Mahal by the custodian of the great monuments , which is under the control of Waqf Act, 1995, It is submitted the only the last hope is fixed of our children upon our judicial institution and if the facts finding committee may not be appointed and the provisions of the ancient monument Preservation Act, 1904 read with The ancient Monuments and Archeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 ( Act no . 4 ) of 1958 , ment for preservation of falsehood by the successors of these invaders may not be declared as ultra virus , the future generation is not going to be saved from these fundamentalist                    

 H. M. Elliot, and many western scholars records that the theory of construction of Taj Mahal by Shah Jahan is an imprudent and interested fraud. The detective like approach of the writer, a lawyer, questioning the logical reasoning and all such guidelines prescribed that a sham history is offered to us which can be tornado into pieces with a little close scrutiny. Emperor Jahangir died on 27th October 1627 and the Prince Khurram ascended the throne at Agra on 5th Feb 1628. The corroboration of the logical perceptions may lead to the inescapable conclusions that the long slavery paradoxically enough to make us slave has shaped the destitution Hindu confidence to a naught and the flame of truth burning in the heart of a civilised citizen to protect their radical traditional heritage culture has been completely vanished. Hinduism are now been impeached by gross dereliction of their duty. The invader based on the concept of destruction of the existing religion have gathered the undue predominance for outraging the modesty which was sometimes earlier being done by Muhammad Bin Quasim in 712 A. D. while offering the two daughters of King Dehar to Abdullah Abbas of Omen by invading their chesty. Muhammad Bin Quasim was stitched inside the leather of the cow and the same has become the situation of every nationalist movement as the Government has prohibited every effort to trace out the truth by maintaining status quo to the falsehood. The most crucial document sufficient to acknowledge the truth is their own Badshah-Nama of Abdul Hamid Lahori which disclose the transfer of majestic magnificent palace having the temple of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva for the burial of Arjumand Bano Begum known Mumtaz Zilani, who was buried at Bhurahanpur9 Madhaya Pradesh) died due to the excessive pain during delivery of 14th child which was considered to be the bad omen by the Muslim priests. The second glaring truth may be revealed from the Aurangzeb’s letter written to Shah Jahan, which purports to make the elaborated repair over the dome. This letter is the best piece of admission regarding the alleged claim set up for construction of the monument form 1628 to 1658 A. D. The letter is dated long back and is recorded in at least three contemporary Persian chronical titled as Adaab-e-Alamgiri, Muraqqa-e-Akbarabadi and yaadgaarnama and preserved in National archives New Delhi. The two farmans of Shah Jahan to ex-rulers of Jaipur bearing modern number 176 and 177 issued on 18th Dec 1633 demanding Makrana stone and the stone cutter for scaffolding the Koranic grafts, which are the imposture filling up the gap between the Hindu sculpture and the symbol of religion written in Sanskrit having the inscription in 34 stanza indicating that Tejo-Mahalya was raised as a palace by King Paramardi Dev and by his Minister Salakshan dated 1212 Vikram Era, Ashwil, Sunday, 5th day of bright lunar fortnight, these inscriptions can be seen in the book titled Kharjuwahak Alias Wartaman (modern Khajuraho by D.J.Kale and on Page 270-274 of Epigraphia Indica, Vol.1 obtainable from Shri M.D. Kale, advocate Chhatttarpur, Madhya Pradesh, India). The other inscriptions is found at Bateshwar excavations preserved at Lucknow Museum which is the direct prove of raising the two crystal white marble building in 1155 as Chandrs-Mauleshwar Temple at Taj Mahal, while Vishnu Temple at Itimad-ud-daulah. The trident exclusive elbum of Chandra-Mauleshwar having captivating Beauty of Lord Shiva, who never thought of returning to his Himalayan abode lit Kailash Parvat is nothing but the central chamber of the Taj Mahal where he used to suppose to perform Tandav Nratya dance amidst the blowing of conches, the beating of drums and tolling bells.

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